40,223 research outputs found

    Interactions and star formation activity in Wolf-Rayet galaxies

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    We present the main results of the PhD Thesis carried out by L\'opez-S\'anchez (2006), in which a detailed morphological, photometrical and spectroscopical analysis of a sample of 20 Wolf-Rayet (WR) galaxies was realized. The main aims are the study of the star formation and O and WR stellar populations in these galaxies and the role that interactions between low surface companion objects have in the triggering of the bursts. We analyze the morphology, stellar populations, physical conditions, chemical abundances and kinematics of the ionized gas, as well as the star-formation activity of each system.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    Mesoscopic Coulomb drag, broken detailed balance and fluctuation relations

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    When a biased conductor is put in proximity with an unbiased conductor a drag current can be induced in the absence of detailed balance. This is known as the Coulomb drag effect. However, even in this situation far away from equilibrium where detailed balance is explicitly broken, theory predicts that fluctuation relations are satisfied. This surprising effect has, to date, not been confirmed experimentally. Here we propose a system consisting of a capacitively coupled double quantum dot where the nonlinear fluctuation relations are verified in the absence of detailed balance.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Scattering theory of nonlinear thermoelectric transport

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    We investigate nonlinear transport properties of quantum conductors in response to both electrical and thermal driving forces. Within scattering approach, we determine the nonequilibrium screening potential of a generic mesoscopic system and find that its response is dictated by particle and entropic injectivities which describe the charge and entropy transfer during transport. We illustrate our model analyzing the voltage and thermal rectification of a resonant tunneling barrier. Importantly, we discuss interaction induced contributions to the thermopower in the presence of large temperature differences.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; slightly shortened version to fulfill the journal's requirement

    Dynamical Coulomb blockade of thermal transport

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    The role of energy exchange between a quantum system and its environment is investigated from the perspective of the Onsager conductance matrix. We consider the thermoelectric linear transport of an interacting quantum dot coupled to two terminals under the influence of an electrical potential and a thermal bias. We implement in our model the effect of coupling to electromagnetic environmental modes created by nearby electrons within the P(E)-theory of dynamical Coulomb blockade. Our findings relate the lack of some symmetries among the Onsager matrix coefficients with an enhancement of the efficiency at maximum power and the occurrence of the heat rectification phenomenon.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Detecting synchronization in spatially extended discrete systems by complexity measurements

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    The synchronization of two stochastically coupled one-dimensional cellular automata (CA) is analyzed. It is shown that the transition to synchronization is characterized by a dramatic increase of the statistical complexity of the patterns generated by the difference automaton. This singular behavior is verified to be present in several CA rules displaying complex behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; you can also visit http://add.unizar.es/public/100_16613/index.htm

    MIMO PID Controller Tuning Method for Quadrotor Based on LQR/LQG Theory

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    In this work, a new pre-tuning multivariable PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) controllers method for quadrotors is put forward. A procedure based on LQR/LQG (Linear Quadratic Regulator/Gaussian) theory is proposed for attitude and altitude control, which suposes a considerable simplification of the design problem due to only one pretuning parameter being used. With the aim to analyze the performance and robustness of the proposed method, a non-linear mathematical model of the DJI-F450 quadrotor is employed, where rotors dynamics, together with sensors drift/bias properties and noise characteristics of low-cost commercial sensors typically used in this type of applications are considered. In order to estimate the state vector and compensate bias/drift effects in the measures, a combination of filtering and data fusion algorithms (Kalman filter and Madgwick algorithm for attitude estimation) are proposed and implemented. Performance and robustness analysis of the control system is carried out by employing numerical simulations, which take into account the presence of uncertainty in the plant model and external disturbances. The obtained results show the proposed controller design method for multivariable PID controller is robust with respect to: (a) parametric uncertainty in the plant model, (b) disturbances acting at the plant input, (c) sensors measurement and estimation errors

    Two new species of Ammothea (Pycnogonida, Ammotheidae) from Antarctic waters

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    Two new species of the genus Ammothea are described from Elephant Island and the South Shetlands Islands, Antarctica. The material was captured during the Polarstern cruise XXIII/8 to the Antarctic Peninsula area. The main features of Ammothea pseudospinosa n. sp. are a proboscis distinctly trilobulated distally with a constriction at 2/3 of its length and dimorphism between the propodi of the anterior (first and second) and posterior (third and fourth) legs, and a trunk: proboscis length ratio of about 1.5. The main features of Ammothea childi n. sp. are a cylindrical proboscis, longer than trunk length, and adults with functional chelifores. These species are compared with their closest congeners from the Southern Ocean: A. pseudospinosa n. sp. with Ammothea spinosa and Ammothea allopodes;A. childi n. sp. withAmmothea gigantea, Ammothea bicorniculata and Ammothea hesperidensis

    Colossendeis species (Pycnogonida: Colossendeidae) collected during the Italica XIX cruise to Victoria Land (Antarctica), with remarks on some taxonomic characters of the ovigers

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    The pycnogonid fauna of the genus Colossendeis collected during the Italica XIX cruise to Victoria Land (Ross Sea, Antarctica) was studied. A total of 19 specimens of six species were collected: Colossendeis australis (6), C. wilsoni (3), C. scotti (2), C. robusta (3), C. lilliei (2) and C. megalonyx (3). In the present contribution the observed variability of all collected Colossendeis species is described and illustrated. The previously synonymised C. lilliei is considered a different species from C. robusta. The observations made in this study lead us to discuss a controversy about the total number of oviger segments in this genus. Despite the currently established 10-segmented status, a short basal element is here considered to be a possible 11th segment. A detailed SEM study of the last oviger segment is carried out in all collected species, showing some intraspecific and the interspecific variability in the structures examined (shape and number of rows of compound spines, morphology of terminal claw, etc.). Finally, we discuss the taxonomic value of these characters of the last strigilis segment for distinguishing the Colossendeis species, and their possible utility in establishing internal phylogenetic relationships in future contributions